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Suffer from headaches? Here’s a patron saint for you

Philip Kosloski - published on 10/09/17

Try this short prayer to St. Denis and enlist his help against all types of woes.Headaches are an all too frequent occurrence in many people’s lives. Besides basic headaches, severe migraines can often cripple someone’s life, making work and family obligations nearly impossible to fulfill.

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, “Migraine is an extraordinarily prevalent neurological disease, affecting 39 million men, women and children in the U.S. and 1 billion worldwide.”

To put it simply, “Everyone either knows someone who suffers from migraine, or struggles with migraine themselves.”

Of course, it is always important to seek proper medical attention to determine what care is needed to treat headaches.

But in the spiritual realm, St. Denis is a powerful intercessor against headaches. Little is known about his life, it is believed he was the first bishop of Paris, France. He lived during the third century in the midst a Christian persecution initiated by Emperor Decius. Denis is also known as the patron saint of France and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

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Do you know who the Fourteen Holy Helpers are?

A popular account of his death connects him to those who suffer headaches. It is said that a Roman soldier struck him with a sword, decapitating him. After dying from the impact, St. Denis stood upright and picked up his head. He continued to walk some distance preaching a sermon on repentance.

Other saints to invoke include St. Teresa of Avila, St. Stephen, and St. Blaise. Here is a short prayer to St. Denis to enlist his help against whatever type of headache you are battling.

O God, Who conferred Your saving Faith on the people of France through Your holy bishop and martyr Denis, and did glorify him before and after his martyrdom by many miracles. Grant us, through his intercession, that the Faith practiced and preached by him may be our light on the way of life, so that we may be preserved from all anxieties of conscience, and if by human frailty we have sinned, we may return to You speedily by true penance. 

Moreover, I beseech You to graciously grant me, through the merits and intercession of this powerful Helper, the petition which through them I humbly place before You, devoutly saying, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

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