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9 Ways for you and your teens to survive (and thrive!) together

Cerith Gardiner - published on 04/18/21
A little help for all members of the family during those tricky teenage years.

As the teenage years approach, many parents brace themselves for what they fear might be trying times. To be fair, they're generally right to be a little cautious; however, there are a lot of wonderful things to come from these hormonally charged years.

To help you and your teen/s traverse these years all in one piece we have a selection of articles that will offer guidance, inspiration, and that all-important hope.

It's often said that having positive role models can foster positive behavior. Teens can have a tendency to grumble about their lot in life so introduce them to some youngsters who truly had a lot to complain about, and yet also had the desire to grow in faith.

When you need "the patience of a saint" to deal with your teen, look to St. Monica. Not only did she never give up on her rather wayward son, St. Augustine, she managed to show him the path to righteousness through her prayer and example.

As teens prepare themselves for the outside world, the gifts of the Holy Spirit can give them the tools they need. From wisdom to fortitude, the Holy Spirit will grant them the ability to face their future with faith and compassion.

It's difficult for parents to always do as they intend. We all have our "off" days, and sometimes it's easier to relent than to stick to your guns. If you've grounded your teen for two weeks and the mood is intolerable at home, then relenting and allowing them to see a friend seems like the least exhausting option. However, it's important to do what you say you're going to do. In fact, your consistency will help your teen feel your strength and love.

It seems that children are often encouraged to become adults before they've even left middle school these days. As a parent you can play a vital role in preserving part of their childhood as they begin their transition to adulthood. Whether it's limiting their social media use or setting age-appropriate rules, allow your teen to grow up but help them to keep their expectations in check.

This is possibly one of the toughest issues for today's parents. As children are faced with ever-changing social media that punctuates the monotony of daily life, it's hard to pull the screen from their hands. Have courage and stick to what you feel is appropriate, as it will serve your teen in the long run.

While teens often seem grumpy, it's not exactly their fault. Those hormones are chasing around their bodies, they have social pressures that are worsened by social media, and to top it off, this past year their carefree days have been stymied. So take heart that grumpiness is normal, but don't let it rule your household and become an acceptable form of behavior.

One thing that's hard as a teen is to hear all the negative press about your peers. Yet, last year in particular has shown how innovative, compassionate, hard-working, and basically totally lovable teens are. Share these types of inspirational stories with the young people in your family: it will show them that you believe in them, that they have so much to offer the world, and the best bit? They're just starting out in life, so just think what they can achieve!

If there's one saint who can inspire a teen, it's this Italian fun-loving guy who devoted his short life to God, his family, and the poor. While there are many other saints, like the recently canonized Carlo Acutis, for a teen to admire, there's something about this sporty prankster that will capture the imagination of any teen.

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