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A miraculous novena to Moisés Lira, the new Mexican Blessed

Beato Moisés Lira Serafín
Mónica Muñoz - published on 09/14/24
This is the novena that was prayed to obtain the miracle by which Moisés Lira Serafín, the Mexican "Apostle of Goodness," was beatified.

Today, September 14, 2024, in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the celebration in which Father Moisés Lira Serafín will be recognized as Blessed is taking place. The miracle attributed to his intercession was obtained after praying this novena.

The miracle

Rosa María Ramírez was pregnant, and her diagnosis was grim: The doctor told her that her daughter would die. Then she found a booklet with a novena to obtain the intercession of the Venerable Moisés Lira Serafín. Against all odds, the girl was born healthy. Today, she is a young, happy, and healthy student.

Here’s the novena that Ramírez prayed:

Novena for Blessed Moisés Lira Serafín

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

R. Amen.

Prayer to Mary Immaculate

V. O Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate. You are my mother in heaven.

R. Who always gives me motherly love and leads me to become smaller every day.

V. I give myself to you, Mother of God, I give myself to you always.

R. I trust in you; please guide me, teach me the way toward God.

V. Teach me to love Him with His love.

R. To be a faithful servant, an heir of God’s love. Amen.

Prayer to the most Holy Trinity

Father of goodness, you have given the Church the Venerable Father Moisés Lira Serafín to teach the charism of divine filiation, lived in an attitude of spiritual childhood, as a way of sanctification. Living in your love as a child in your arms, he showed us that being small is the way to enter the Kingdom.

Thank you, loving Father, for the gift you have given us in your beloved son Moisés; allow us to follow his teachings so that we may experience how sweet and delightful it is to call you Father! How beautiful it is to know that we are your children! Grant us to contemplate Your most beloved Son so that we may be Your children in Him and love You with Your same love.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Jesus, beloved Son of the Father, you have called Venerable Father Moisés Lira Serafín to found the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity of Mary Immaculate, so that they may bring your charity to children, the sick, the elderly and the poor, with an impetuous impulse to love without limits or conditions, healing with the balm of your love those who suffer in body or spirit from pain, misery, poverty, or desolation.

We thank you for showing yourself in your beloved son Moisés as the one who serves and alleviates the pain of humanity. Following his example, make us apostles of goodness at the service of our brothers and sisters, especially those with whom you share your cross.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Spirit, who sanctifies the Church, you have poured the grace of love into the heart of Venerable Father Moisés Lira Serafín, so that in the ministry of reconciliation and spiritual direction he may collaborate with you in consoling, forgiving, and healing the wounds of hearts, reflecting the infinite goodness of our Father God.

We thank you for this model of priestly commitment. Grant that, forgetting ourselves, we may give ourselves without measure in an offering of charity, living in Christ for the Father and for others.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of Intercession

Let us pray:

God and our Father, who in the venerable servant of God, Father Moisés Lira Serafím, gave us an example of charity in joyful service to the poor, and made him an apostle of filial love for you and the Mother of your Son. Grant that, imitating him, we may love Christ as he loved him and serve him in our brothers and sisters. Hear, O Lord, our trusting petition and, through his intercession, grant us the grace we ask of you.

[Pause for petition]

Grant us, Father, that his glorification in the Church may be such that the spirit of adoption which you have given us in your Son Jesus Christ may increase in all men. Amen.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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